Lesson Plans
- The Lesson Plans Page
- http://www.LessonPlansPage.com/index.html
- a collection of over 1,000 lesson plans, primarily at the elementary level, that were developed by Kyle Yamnitz, students, and faculty at The University of Missouri.
- Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
- http://www.enc.org
- Lesson Plans for Math and Science. Additional resources for Professional Resources, Projects and Investigations and Virtual Field Trips.
- Teachers.Net Lesson Plan Bank
- http://www.teachers.net/lessons/
- The Teachers.Net Lesson Bank is your opportunity to share your teaching ideas and lesson plans!
- New York Times Lesson Plan
- http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/lessons/archive.html
- includes archived lessons
- Lesson Plan Search
- http://www.lessonplansearch.com/
- search by grade level and content
- Lesson Plans and Other Cool Sites
- http://www.lib.uwo.ca/education/lesson_plans_and_other_cool_sites.htm
- Index to resources
- Cool Teaching Lessons and Units
- http://www.coollessons.org/coolunits.htm#WEBQUESTS
- with resources for students and teachers
- Sites for Teachers
- http://www.sitesforteachers.com/
- Sites for Teachers with Lesson Plans and student reproducible sheets
- abcteach
- http://abcteach.com/
- Elementary School site for printables and lessons
Teacher Resources
- TeachersPit.com
- http://www.teachnet.com/teacherspit/index.html
- The Cartoon strip for Teachers (can get daily)
- The George Lucas Foundation
- http://www.glef.org/
- GLEF is a nonprofit organization that gathers and disseminates stories about exemplary practices in K-12 public education. Current issues and best practices are highlighted.
- Edutopia Newsletter
- http://www.glef.org/subform.html
- a semi-annual print newsletter highlights innovative K-12 public schools and community programs. Each theme-based issue includes school profiles, summaries of recent research, and resources and tips for taking action.
- Dogpile Search
- Marco Polo – Internet content for the classroom
- AllTheWeb.com – Advanced Internet Search
- Internet Search Tools
- The Educators Network
- Thousands of Clip Art
- Apple Learning Exchange
- Education Planet
- How to Differentiate Instruction
- The Best on the Web for Teachers
Rubrics and Scoring Guides
- Some Online Rubric Help
- http://www.angelfire.com/mac/internet1/rubrics.htm
- Links to Pre-made rubrics and Rubrics you can generate on your own
- Rubrics4teachers.com
- http://www.rubrics4teachers.com
- Great site with rubric creator
- The Staff Room
- http://www.odyssey.on.ca/~elaine.coxon/rubrics.htm
- Tons of Rubrics
Interactive Games and Activities
Try them out yourself first, so you can troubleshoot.
- Jigsaw map of the US
- http://www.mathsyear2000.org
- http://www.maps.com/learn/games
- http://Brainbashers.com
- http://thinks.com
- http://www.aimsedu.org
- http://Sagebrushcorp.com
- http://weeklyreader.com
iMovie Lessons and activities
Question: What Can I Do with iMovies in My Classroom?
ANSWER: Just about anything. Use them for motivation. Use them as your personal teaching tools. Use to help your students build their own learning tools. Use them with special needs children. Use them as thinking skill builders. Use the to enhance writing skills. Use them to help with peer relationships. Use them in any subject area or grade level, and let the kids use them in any subject area or grade level. Use them for documentation. Use them for fun.
- http://www.apple.com/iMovie
- http://www.apple.com/iMovie/gallery
- Apple Education – Learning
- Apple Education – Lesson Plan
- Tips for making movies
- Shoot Like a Pro: Shooting your movie
- http://www.apple.com/imovie/gettingstarted/ecPg1.html
- Editing your video
- Cutting your video
- Expert Effects-Free Downloads
- FREE iMovie Tutorial
- http://www.atomiclearning.com/freeimovie.shtml
- Very good, step by step
- Background Sets
- http://www.apple.com/imovie/freestuff/backgrounds.html
- These sets contain a variety of still images for use in iMovie.
- Music
- http://www.apple.com/imovie/freestuff/loopingmusic.html
- These music sound files can be played over and over to form long music sequences in iMovie.
- Sound Effect Sets
- http://www.apple.com/imovie/freestuff/sounds.html
- These Sound Dogs sets contain a variety of sounds
- How to share your movies with audiences everywhere.
- A Short Course in Digital Video
- Digital Cameras in Education
- iMovie Theater
- Samples of student work
- http://www.apple.com/applemasters/imovie/movielist.html
- During a two-day creative workshop at Apple featuring iMovie and the iMac DV, kids and AppleMasters showed their stuff, creating and editing original digital movies.
- More Sample Videos
- Resources and Links for Desktop Movies
- imovie tips and tricks put you in the directors chair
Professional Resources and Organizations: Social Studies
- Facing History and Ourselves
- Kentucky Association for the Teachers of History
- Kentucky Council on Economic Education
- Kentucky Council for Social Studies
- Kentucky Educational Television
- Kentucky Geographic Alliance
- Kentucky Historical Society
- Kentucky Tales
- Kids Voting Kentucky
- Junior Achievement
- Marco Polo
- National Council for the Social Studies
- National Geographic
- Organizations of American Historians